Samsung Electronics Co said on Monday it had delayed launching a new smartphone based on Google's latest version of Android operating system due to the death of Apple's co-founder Steve Jobs.
Samsung planned to introduce the new product based on Ice Cream Sandwich system, which will unite the Android software used in tablets and smartphones, at its Mobile Unpack event in San Diego on Tuesday.
"We decided it was not the right time to announce a new product while the world was expressing tribute to Steve Jobs' passing," a Samsung spokesman said.
Samsung has yet to decide the new date for the release, the spokesman said.
Jobs death on Wednesday, following a years-long battle with pancreatic cancer, sparked an outpouring of tributes from world leaders, business rivals and fans.
Samsung is the biggest maker of mobile phones based on Android, which is available for free to handset vendors such as Motorola Mobility and HTC Corp. Android phones have a greater combined market share than Apple's iPhone, the world's best-selling smartphone.
- Reuters
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