Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Gallery: Nikon Small World Photography Contest

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20) Dinosaur Bone Cells

Douglass Moore of University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point in Stevens Point, Wisconsin, USA took this amazing shot of agatized dinosaur bone cells, unpolished, ca. 150 million years old, at 42X magnification using stereomicroscopy.

19) Mammalian Cell Collage

Dr. Donna Stolz of the University of Pittsburgh
 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA won with this shot of mammalian cell collage stained for various proteins and organelles, assembled into a wreath, at 200-2000X magnification, using a single slice confocal cell mosaic.

18) Quaking Aspen Leaf

Benjamin Blonder and David Elliott of the University of Arizona
 in Tucson, Arizona, USA
 took this shot of the venation network of young Populus tremuloides (quaking aspen) leaf at 4X magnification, using a brightfield image of safranin-stained tissue.

17) Filaria Worms

Dr. Witold Kilarski of EPFL-Laboratory of Lymphatic and Cancer Bioengineering in Lausanne, Switzerland shot this photo ofLitomosoides sigmodontis (filaria worms) inside lymphatic vessels of a mouse ear at 150X with fluorescent confocal microscopy.

16) Cultured Cells

Dr. Christopher Guérin, of VIB (Flanders Institute of Biotechnology) in Ghent, Belgium
, shot these cultured cells growing on a bio-polymer scaffold at 63X magnification using confocal techniques.

15) Lobe Coral

James H. Nicholson of the Coral Culture and Collaborative Research Facility, NOAA/NOS/NCCOS/CCEHBR and HML of Charleston, South Carolina shot this photo of a live specimenPorites lobata (lobe coral) tissue at 12X using epiflourescence with triple band (U/B/G) excitation.

14) Sand

Yanping Wang, of the Beijing Planetarium in Beijing, China, took this surprisingly gorgeous shot of, yes, sand at 4X magnification, using reflected light.

13) Curare Vine

Dr. Stephen S. Nagy of Montana Diatoms in Helena, Montana shot this photo of a curare vine, Chondrodendron tomentosum, at 45X using digitally inverted bright field microscopy.

12) HeLa Cells

Thomas Deerinck, of the National Center for Microscopy and Imaging Research in 
La Jolla, California, USA
, took this shot of HeLa (cancer) cells at 300X magnification using 2-Photon fluorescence.

11) Ant Head

Dr. Jan Michels of Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel in Kiel, Germany shot this photo at 10X of an ant head using confocal and autofluorescence.

10) Freshwater Water Flea

Joan Röhl of the Institute for Biochemistry and Biology
 in Potsdam, German took this shot of Daphnia magna (freshwater water flea) at 100X magnification using differential interference contrast.

9) Marine Copepod

Dr. Jan Michels of Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel in Kiel, Germany shot this photo of a Temora longicornis (marine copepod) at 10X using confocal, autofluorescence and congo red fluorenscence.

8) Graphite-bearing Granulite

Dr. Bernardo Cesare, of the Department of Geosciences
 in Padova, Italy, took this shot of 
graphite-bearing granulite from Kerala (India) at 2.5X magnification using polarized light.

7) Mouse Nerve Fiber

Gabriel Luna of UC Santa Barbara's Neuroscience Research Institute in Santa Barbara, California created this image of a retinal flatmount of a mouse nerve fiber layer at 40X using laser confocal scanning.

6) Solar Cell Films

Dennis Callahan, of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, California, shot these cracked gallium arsenide solar cell films in 50X using bright field microscopy.

5) Microchip Surface

Alfred Pasieka of Germany shot this image of a 3d reconstruction of a microchip surface in 500X, using incident light and the Nomarski Interference Contrast.

4) Liverwort

Dr. Robin Young of the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada shot this photo of intrinsic fluorescence in Lepidozia reptans (liverwort) in 20X. It was a live mount, using confocal microscopy.

3) Melosira moniliformis

Frank Fox, of Fachhochschule Trier
 in Trier, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany, took this photo of a Melosira moniliformis, living specimen at 320X using a 
Differential Interference Contrast.

2) Blade of Grass

Dr. Donna Stolz, of the University of Pittsburgh in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, took this photo of a blade of grass at 200X using confocal stack reconstruction, autofluorescence.

1) Green Lacewing Larva

Dr. Igor Siwanowicz, of the Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology
 in Martinsried, Germany, took this photo, a portrait of a Chrysopa sp. (green lacewing) larva at 20x magnification with a 
confocal lens.

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