Tuesday, September 27, 2011

One Step Closer To Quantum Computing

Till now quantum computers were a theoretical concept but now researchers claim to have made a breakthrough in the quantum computing world. It is said that a quantum system has been built on von Neumann processor-memory architecture, and a working digital quantum simulator built on a quantum-computer platform. Presently this is just a trial working model and is within the four walls of the lab only.
Researchers at the University of California Santa Barbara say that they have successfully created the first fully functional quantum chip. Quantum has always been seen as a very tough subject to tackle with and especially their design is not an easy job. These are based on the concept of superposition. This means that quantum bits also called qubits can exist in two different states simultaneously. In simpler terms it means that it can have a value of 0 and 1 at the same instant resulting in more quick and efficient calculations. But the main problem with these qubits is that it is hard to keep them in such a state where this property is possible and moreover interfering with them can cause serious troubles to their superposition property. Researchers cooled their quCPU to near absolute zero and carried out few calculations. The results produced were pretty satisfactory.
On the other hand researchers in Austria claim the creation of a working quantum simulator. They say it can be used to model the behavior of quantum system. This simulator is sought to complete the calculations much quickly without experiencing any slowdown. The team used six laser-cooled calcium atoms as qubits, and used laser pulses to initiate calculations. They found the system could simulate several types of interacting spin systems.
With all these successful work outs the new era of quantum computing is not far from us.

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