Sunday, October 2, 2011

N64oid for Android devices gets an update, makes me nostalgic [VIDEO]

If you’re of a certain age, you will have fond memories of a little console called the Nintendo 64. Being able to play with three friends in local multiplayer on Starfox 64 (aka Lylat Wars for you Europeans and Aussies), Mario Kart 64, Golden Eye and the wealth of other titles that helped make the transition from 2D to 3D all those years ago was a blast.
gsmarena 001 N64oid for Android devices gets an update, makes me nostalgic [VIDEO]
For some, you might still have a working N64 in your attic, but for others unable to relight their retro-gaming fire so easily, N64oid has a solution.
The Android only N64 emulator might not seem particularly special amongst the many console emulators available for droids nowadays, but a recent update caused a particular stir to the gamer in me .
The recent 2.4 update for N64oid added Bluetooth support for multiple controllers, meaning that those memories of days gone by, when local multiplayer ruled supreme have every chance of reoccurring.
Thanks to the team at, they put the newly updated emulator through its paces with two player split-screen Mario Kart 64 and the results are impressive to say the least.

The ‘console’ this little gem is running on happens to be a Samsung Galaxy S II, with two PS3-esq bluetooth gamepads connected, which as the video’s creator points out, seem to be having no trouble interfacing with the emulator, free from interference and thanks to that 2.4 update, now have full analogue support too.
Of course we’re yet to see how four player split screen runs, even on a high powered devices like the S II, but all the same does this trip back in time pique your interest, or have you moved beyond the realm of off-line multiplayer for good?
If you want to pick N64oid up for your Android device, it’s available from alternative Android market, SlideME by creator ‘yongzh‘, who also has a host of other emulators available if this one isn’t for you.
Thanks to those of you who sent this in too.

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