Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Apple's Tim Cook to unveil the iPhone 5 on October 4th

After what felt like an eternity of waiting we finally have some information about Apple's next event. According to some insider information acquired by AllThingsD, the iPhone 5 unveiling will take place on October 4th.
Reportedly, it will be Tim Cook, who will lead the show for Apple on the big day. He will be joined on stage by Phillip W. Schiller (Senior VP, Worldwide Product Marketing), Scott Forstall (Senior VP, iOS Software) and Eddy Cue (newly appointed Senior VP of Internet Software and Services). Keep in mind that none of this has been officially confirmed so take it with a pinch of salt.
The exact devices that will be unveiled remain a mystery too. New iPods seem likely, and the next gen iPhone almost certain (though we don't know if it will be an iPhone 4S or 5 or both) and some even expect an iPad 3 announcement, which is really which is pushing it if you ask us.
If the October 4th date turns out true that would mean an almost immediate release of the next iPhone on October 15th.
It's been now over a year since the last (best-selling) iPhone (4) arrived and most Apple users and fans are going crazy with anticipation - heck, even Apple haters are probably waiting to see what the next iPhone will be like.
We also expecting iOS 5 to be officially released at the event as it's already nearing its Gold Master version (due September 23rd).

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